About Me

Dominic Seyler


Hi! I am senior AI engineer at Goldman Sachs, where I am part of the Natural Language Processing team. Before that I was an applied researcher at the eBay search ranking team. I received a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I was part of the Text Information Management and Analysis Group, and was advised by Prof. ChengXiang Zhai. My general research interests are at the intersection of GenAI, Natural Language Processing, and Information Retrieval.


Aligning Ranking Objectives with E-commerce Search Intent
D. Seyler, E. Ebrahimzadeh, A. Cozzi, A. Bagherjeiran
In Proceedings of the 2023 SIGIR Workshop On eCommerce
SIGIR eCom 2023 [talk]

DarkJargon.net: A Platform for Understanding Underground Conversation with Latent Meaning
D. Seyler, W. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
SIGIR 2021 [talk] [src]

Textual Analysis and Timely Detection of Suspended Social Media Accounts
D. Seyler, S. Tan, D. Li, J. Zhang, P. Li
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media
ICWSM 2021

Towards Dark Jargon Interpretation in Underground Forums
D. Seyler, W. Liu, X. Wang, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval
ECIR 2021 [slides] [talk] [src]

Semantic Text Analysis for Detection of Compromised Accounts on Social Networks
D. Seyler, L. Li, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
ASONAM 2020 [slides] [src]

Leveraging Personalized Sentiment Lexicons for Sentiment Analysis
D. Seyler, J. Shen, J. Xiao, Y. Wang, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval
ICTIR 2020 [slides] [talk]

Finding Contextually Consistent Information Units in Legal Text
D. Seyler, P. Bruin, P. Bayyapu, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing at KDD 2020
NLLP @ KDD 2020 [slides] [talk]

A Study of Methods for the Generation of Domain-Aware Word Embeddings
D. Seyler, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
SIGIR 2020 [slides] [talk]

A Study of the Importance of External Knowledge in the Named Entity Recognition Task
D. Seyler, T. Dembelova, L. Del Corro, J. Hoffart, G. Weikum
In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
ACL 2018 [poster] [src]

An Information Retrieval Framework for Contextual Suggestion Based on Heterogeneous Information Network Embeddings
D. Seyler, P. Chandar, M. Davis
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval
SIGIR 2018 [poster]

A Study of Feature Construction for Text-based Forecasting of Time Series Variables
Y. Wang*, D. Seyler*, S. Karmaker, C. Zhai
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
CIKM 2017 [poster]

Knowledge Questions from Knowledge Graphs
D. Seyler, M. Yahya, K. Berberich
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval
ICTIR 2017 [slides]

KnowNER: Incremental Multilingual Knowledge in Named Entity Recognition
D. Seyler, T. Dembelova, L. Del Corro, J. Hoffart, G. Weikum
arXiv:1709.03544 [cs.CL] [src]

Automated Question Generation for Quality Control in Human Computation Tasks
D. Seyler, M. Yahya, K. Berberich, O. Alonso
In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science
ACM WebSci 2016 [poster]

Generating Quiz Questions from Knowledge Graphs
D. Seyler, M. Yahya and K. Berberich
In Proceedings of the 24th International World Wide Web Conference
WWW 2015 [poster]

Question Generation from Knowledge Graphs
D. Seyler
Master’s thesis (advised by Prof. Klaus Berberich, Prof. Gerhard Weikum)


August 2016 – August 2021:
Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

April 2013 – October 2015:
M.Sc. in Computer Science at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

October 2009 – February 2013:
B.Sc. in Applied Computer Science at University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany

Research Experience

November 2023 – Current:
Goldman Sachs
Senior AI Engineer (Vice President) – Natural Language Processing

September 2021 – November 2023:
Applied Researcher – Search Ranking and Monetization

May 2020 – September 2020:
Research Intern – Applied Privacy Research

May 2019 – May 2020:
Researcher (part-time) – Machine Learning and NLP

May 2018 – August 2018:
Baidu Research USA
Research Intern – Big Data Lab

May 2017 – December 2017:
IBM Research
Research Intern – Cognitive User Experience Lab

June 2013 – June 2016:
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Research Assistant – Databases and Information Systems Department

Honors and Awards

Spot Award First author publication award for Q3 2023 (eBay)

SIGIR Travel Grant (awarded by the Association for Computing Machinery)

SIGIR Travel Grant (awarded by the Association for Computing Machinery)

SIGIR Travel Grant (awarded by the Association for Computing Machinery)

Computer Science Excellence Fellowship (awarded by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
